20 Jan 2020
-Please click on a link below to jump to a FAQ
- What stove output do I need?
- What is the stove made From?
- Are your stoves multi fuel?
- What hearth do I need?
- What is the combustion air requirement for a wood stove?
- Can I have a boiler in the stove to heat water and central heating?
- Can I use a wood stove in a smoke control area?
- I do not have a chimney, can I still have a wood burning stove?
- My chimney is sound or has class 1 clay liner, is it necessary for me to reline and insulate?
- I am building a new house, what should I use to build my chimney?
- Which stove is right for me?
- What fuel can I use?
Q: What stove output do I need?
A: The output you require will depend on a number of factors. Room size is important, generally measured in cubic feet or meters, however, it is not enough to simply work out the size of room and allocate a particular output of stove. You should consider the age of the house and insulation level, whether windows are double glazed, the proximity of stairs and any basement, what other forms of heat are in the house, how regularly you are likely to use the stove and what you want the stove to achieve for you. Discussion with an experienced showroom is often essential in choosing the correct stove. Our own showrooms are happy to help, or we can direct you to a nearby stockist, who will have Clearview Stoves burning to help you choose.
Q: What is the stove made from?
A: Our stoves are made from high quality British steel. This has the advantage over cast iron that it can be easily welded, providing a very strong and airtight construction. Clearview Stoves have long preheating air passageways that can only be incorporated into a steel structure which provides a strong and more air tight body, essential for clean burning controllability. A heavy and well made steel stove is likely to hold and give as much heat as a cast iron one of similar weight. We feel strongly that the advantages of steel in both manufacture and day to day use, heavily outweigh those of cast iron. Many of our showroom stovesthat are used 50 days a week and 50 weeks of the year are over 25 years old, many are pictured on our website.
Q: Are your stoves multi fuel?
A: All Clearview Stoves have a multi fuel capacity. The Clearview patented combustion system offers two independant air supplies to provide ideal control for both wood or solid fuel of various qualities and moisture contents. However, should you want a stove that is a joy to watch, very clean burning and environmentally sound then wood should be your fuel of choice. In terms of performance the stove will perform equally well with both solid fuel and wood, however solid fuel is likely to leave more residue in the firebox and this may affect the glass and your flue. Where storage is an issue, we would advise all our customers to use natural solid fuels such as anthracite and to always use a stove thermometer.
Q: What hearth do I need and what clearances are required for my stove?
A: Almost all of the 5kW and 8kW stoves in our range are suitable for use on a 12mm thick hearth (the exception is our Inset stove). To reduce the risk of damage however, we would recommend all hearths were 1”/25mm deep. Our larger stoves, the 650 and 750, require a constructional hearth of at least 5”/ 125mm. Document J in the building regulations should be consulted for a detailed look at the hearth requirements. Our stoves are classed as closed appliances and so require an absolute minimum of 9”/225mm of hearth in front of the stove body and 6”/150mm either side. However, the arc of the door will reach beyond this and we would encourage all our customers to build sufficient hearth to cover this. Larger hearths are preferable and ideally should extend beneath the stove door when open. Good hearth materials would be slate or stone.
Basic clearance requirments to combustibles are listed below
Clearview Pionner 400, 400P & Vision 500 (inc Inset) models - 460mm top, back and sides
Solution 400, Pioneer Oven and Solution 500 - 200mm to the side and 250mm to the back
Clearview 650 & Clearview 750 - 510mm top, back and sides.
Where necessary clearance requirements can be reduced through the use of a shield, either on the stove or on the combustible surface, eg a beam or combustuible wall. Please see attached guide for more details.
Q: What is the combustion air requirement for a wood stove?
A: The Pioneer, Solution 400 and Inset stoves are all classed as 5kW stoves, and as such do not have a specific requirement for the provision of external air. According to Building Regulations Document J, these stoves can be fitted without the need for an air brick or external air connection (see below). All the other stoves in our range are classed as over 5kW and so provision does need to be made for there to be a permanent feed of external air into the room where there is insufficient air through natural infiltration. The amount of air depends on the output of the stove and is worked out as 550 sq mm per kilowatt over 5kW. For example, a 650 12kW stove would require the equivalent of 3850 sq mm of external air (550mm x 7 = 3850)
Our preferred method of providing external air is to fit the stove with an external air box. This can be fitted to all the stoves in our range with the exception of the inset, and provides a three inch diameter direct air feed into the stove. Ducting can then be used to prevent any drafts into the room that would be present with an air brick.
The actual requirement is for the stove to have adequate air for combustion. Even a 5kW stove may require external air should there be the risk of reduced air in the room. Extremely high levels of insulation and a close proximity to extraction fans, may be an example of a situation where a 5kW stove would benefit from external air.
Q: Can I have a boiler in the stove to heat water and central heating?
A: Almost all our stoves can be fitted and retrofitted with boilers. Where this is a possible option the following considerations should be taken into account:
- Boilers will reduce the combustion temperature in the firebox. Some extra sooting up of the glass, the firebox and the flue is to be expected.
- Boiler stoves may require twice the amount of wood, their reload time will be much more frequent and the quality of the wood more important. Boiler stoves are less forgiving of poor quality fuel. Are you organised to accommodate this?
- Boiler systems can quickly become complicated and will need servicing. You should carefully weigh up the cost of buying and fitting a boiler stove against the likely savings. You may find a dry stove will more effectively heat your house than a boiler stove, and it will be easier and cheaper to run.
- Does a boiler stove suits your lifestyle? Is somebody at home all day to stoke up the fire?
In the right situation a boiler stove can be a real advantage, providing all of your water and much of your house heating, however it is important to understand all the implications. We have advised on many boiler stove installations over the years and are happy to advise and provide some feedback and guidence.
Q: Can I use a wood stove in a smoke control area?
A: Most of the Clearview range has been passed for use in smoke control areas. This means that you can burn wood and maintain sufficient clean burn to pass legislation. You cannot have a boiler in a smoke control stove.
Q: I do not have a chimney, can I still have a wood burning stove?
A: Yes. The most widely used option is to erect an exposed flue system. These flue systems can be built both internally and externally, but our preference is to build internally. The flue is better insulated against adverse weather conditions and the heat given off by the flue itself can be used to heat any rooms through which it is fitted. Another advantage is that in most cases the system will involve less bends if it is running directly through the house, which is cheaper and more efficient. Understandably some people are reluctant to create too much disruption in the house but it is worth remembering that when installing a relatively costly flue onto the stove you would wish to get as much benefit from the stove as possible and an exposed flue could potentially add considerable heat to the house and reduce your heating bill proportionately.
It is vitally important that there is sufficient draw on the stove and the chimney needs to be well positioned. On the whole the termination of the flue needs to be above ridge height, although in the case of single storey extensions or conservatories exceptions can be made. We are able to advise on the installation of this system and have all the parts required in stock and ready for collection or shipping immediately. At first glance it may seem a rather expensive option, but over time a well positioned stove with an insulated and efficient flue will reduce your annual heating bills and before long will have paid for the initial costs many times over.
Q: My chimney is sound or has class 1 clay liner, is it necessary for me to reline and insulate?
A: To get the best performance from your stove and to maintain a clean and efficient flue it is very important to have a narrow, warm and smooth environment for the flue gases. The warmer the flue the quicker hot air will rise through it and the less air will be required to maintain efficient combustion. A warm liner will provide flue gases with good momentum, it will make the installation safe and considerably reduce the risk of a chimney fire and condensation, as well providing a more consistent draft.
With wood between 20-25% moisture content, and with an average use of 4-5 tonnes a year, over a tonne of water could be sent up your chimney as steam. In an ideal scenario smoke would exit the top of the flue at over 100°C, taking with it the moisture in the flue gases. A poor flue could allow the flue gase temperature to drop below 100°C, at which stage water will condense on the inside of the chimney. This mixes with soot causing tar, which is both corrosive and invasive.
Clay pot liners are generally not ideal as they are often cold, uninsulated, built incorrectly and can be hard to connect to well. They will likely increase the chance of condensation in your flue whereas an inner metal flexible liner will be safer and easier to clean.
Q: I am building a new house, what should I use to build my chimney?
A: In this situation we would strongly recommend that a Pumice system be used. There are two options, either the Liner system, which involves 600mm lengths of flue around which leca insulation is back filled or the Double Modular (DM) system which incorporates both the stack and the liner. Both allow you to match the external chimney with your existing walls whether it be brick, stone or render. Its insulating qualities make it the ideal choice for external chimney systems, although it can be used to reline existing old stacks. It is also cost effective and easy to assemble. It can be erected anywhere on the house but for obvious reasons it better suited to a gable end. For more information see the installation guide.
Q: Which stove is right for me?
A: This is a common question. Room size is obviously important, and factors such as age of the house, the level of insulation and your budget are all significant.
Our advice would be as follows:
- Contact us, supplying your name and address and any other relevant details. We will then direct you to your nearest Clearview showroom or stockist.
- To help advise you on which stoves would be suitable for you installation the following information will be required:
- Room size: ie width x length x ceiling height
- Number and type of doors and windows and any other potential areas of heat loss.
- Fireplace size and chimney details
- Take internal and external photographs if possible - these can be really useful
With this information a showroom will be able to provide you with an estimation of the work required and approximate costs. Normally a survey will then be carried out to confirm the preliminary conclusions and an accurate quotation will be supplied.
Our average delivery time nationwide on all stove models is 14 working days.
Many basic points are covered in the F.A.Q. We have been fitting and supplying stoves for over 30 years, there is very little we have not seen and very few problems we cannot overcome.
Q: What fuel can I use?
A: Without doubt wood is the best fuel. It’s cleaner burning and kinder to your stove and your chimney liner. We also recommend naturally dried fuel, seasoned outside and under cover. This provides a more even seasoning and will not unduly stress the wood during the drying process. Our stoves have only been tested with this kind of fuel.
Although we do not recommend Kiln dried wood, we understand that many of our customers are using it. If you need to use it we would suggest mixing this type of fuel with air dried wood, and using a thermometer at all times to monitor the temperature the stove to avoid overheating.
Top tips for good wood
- Logs should ideally be cut to about 18 inches for the Clearview 650/750, 15 inches for the Vision or Solution 500, 10 inches for the Vision Inset, and 10 inches for the Pioneer or the Solution 400.
- Logs over 5 inches in diameter are best split, unless very dry
- Wood should be air dried to a moisture content of below 25%. Burning green or wet fuel will mean increased fuel consumption, reduced heat output, excessive tarring of the flue and may lead to more serious chimney problems.
We advise using hardwood, although soft wood can be used. Due to its lower calorific value and the problems associated with burning softwood, you should be careful to make sure the wood is properly stored and seasoned.
Solid Fuel
If insufficient room is available to store wood, you may wish to supplement with solid fuel. We recommend low sulphur fuels as most manufactured solid fuels (briquettes, nuggets etc) contain adhesives to bind them and use waste oil products. These can be corrosive and damaging to your stove and flue liner. The use of these fuels will void your warranty. You will need to use some of the primary air to draw air through the fuel and again we would recommend that you mix with wood where possible Anthracite and Welsh steam coal would be acceptable.
Artificial Logs
Fuels made from compressed wood waste may be used, providing they do not contain oil products waxes or binders. Manufactured logs have very low moisture content and will burn intensely, so monitor your stove's temperature carefully. You may wish to mix with conventional logs when your stove has achieved a good operating temperature. If you intend very dry fuel, briquettes or soldi fuel to be your primary fuel, please let us know, as it may influence the size of stove required.
General Guidance
At all times you should try to ensure that your chimney is clean, as warm as possible and that you are burning up to temperature to ensure clean combustion. A thermometer is an invaluable aid to this.
Do’s and Don’ts
Do leave a thin layer of ash to retain heat, protect the grate and aid clean combustion
Do not store fuels within Clearviews safe installation clearances
Do not use chemicals or fluids to start the fire, this includes all firelighters
Do not burn kitchen waste, plastic, flammable fluids such as petrol naphtha or engine oil